Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Bored.. bored..just wanted to post some pictures...errr... there's more actually.. Blame the connection here.. sigh.. annoying la.!! few photos taken in the past 2 weeks.. DnD, Lantern Festival, First Beat, Ris' house warming get together... n bla bla.. hhahahha..... n yeah.. my tooth carving..wakakaka..

-Post Dental Dinner shot-
*all the preety ladies and handsome gentleman...errr.. after the dinner n the dance floor of course.. sweaty n smelly .. hahaha...

-The Zephyrs and us at First Beat Vol IV-( Dental students le, dont play play!)
*Musicitis was the theme and yeah, we definitely got infected!! hahaha...

-Sook Mei, Phebe, Steph, Sutha, Kaminii, Me( SARS) & Charis-
*we were going nuts at the First Beat night... was so much fun!!

-Mooncake Festival 2007 with my coursemates-
*organized by the BDS junior batch. So nice of them to actually come up with this. :-( My lantern mati edy la!!.i found a glowstick anyways!! hahah.. Sook Mei's carrying a pomelo lantern.. nice!

-Happy faces of our BDS Batch 2- (lantern festival)
*bunch of nuts camwhoring like no ones bussiness! hahaha.. its fun tho... hahaha.. we have something in common if u realise.. errr... u see all 32 teeth?? lol... we're gonna look at it for rest of our lives!!eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......

-with my coursemates in front of our famous cafeteria-
*actually, it was supposed to be like 4 of them in d frame. but hahaha..knowing us(BDS Batch 2), we never leave anyone alone.. so, tadaaa... the outcome.. from 4 to errr..many many!! lolzz

-the fist tooth that i carved-
*errr.. its a central incisor.....hahaha.. it turned out well ok.. dont laugh at it!
just to practise our hand movement.. well u see my job's gonna be all about teeth and handwork! so.. hehehe.

-Heart Attack!!!!!-
* Hey Sam, dont look at my cards okay! Not fair!! .... Within few seconds.. there she goes.. as loud as she can.. Heart Attacccccckkkkkkk!!!!! Charis u were super loud!! ahahhaa.. killa bang! Seriously, i think we almost got cardiac arrest!! hahaha..

-Few of us at Ris' house warming get together-
*see the center of attraction?? lolzz.. I have banyak 'tanduks' la!! and i didnt realise they were doing that to me.. hahaa..

-My coursemates-
*Spot Samuel @ Marc..lolzz... u managed to get in!! arghhh... Sam's known for this!!


Brianne said...

hey sarvi cool pics and tooth!! next time can i get a discount ar for some dental work??...hehehe....kidding kidding...i think that would be a bad idea cause i wouldnt be able to stop talking and laughing with you and vice versa!!..hahaha...

Sarvinaa said...
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Sarvinaa said...

hey bri.. hehehe. anything for u la.. yeah we will be laughin like nuts.. hehe.. den how to work on ur teeth? hahaha..