Friday, October 19, 2007

Raya @ Penang!

Raya 2007- Were given few days cuti, and what i did eh? errr.. SHOPPING n Eating!! ahahaha.. had some fun in Penang! yeehaaa.. 2 cars to the island.. Ris' & Kelvin's.... Dim Sum for breakfast n then TGIFs 3 course meal for dinner?!!! hehehe.. nice le.. and.. and...and.. the BEST ever dessert.. Mocha Mud Pie... aiyoo.. who la the founder for this recipe!! salute u la dude!! ehehe..

-Charis, Me & Phebe-
* Camwhoring in the car.. on our way to Penang on Raya 07!

-The girls at the petrol kiosk-
*While waiting for Kelvin to pump air for his car tyres.. ahahaha Got the cam, got the posers.. haha there u go!!

-We meet again-
* camwhoring.. hmmm.. its in our dental students' blood. frm left: Phebe, Me, Ris

-Dim Sum for breakfast-
* Eugene took us to this wonderful dim sum place in Penang Island. It was yummylicious! makan ...makan..makan.....sedapnya!!

-Post Dim Sum pixxie-
* forgot to take the pre pixxie!! hehee

-TGIF Queensbay Mall, Penang
* OUr next stop for dinner after the long day we had. Did wht?? errr.. SHOPPING!!!

-TGIFs....yum yum
-Would have been nicer if we had the entire gang with us that day-

-Cassandra & I while waiting for our meals to be served-
* Dont blame me twice ok?? its not fair.. i blamed u once only .. ahahhaa

-Penang Island-
*our very own pulau mutiara.. cantik isnt??

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